These are just odds and sods pictures from a relaxing trip to Lava Beds National Monument over the 2020 Thanksgiving weekend.
Not a lot of serious adventuring happened on this trip. We took our large Kodiak Canvas tent, set up a comfortable camp, and enjoyed time spent in one of our favorite places. Temperatures were chilly at mid to high teens at night, but was actually warm during the day.
About 2/3 of the monument burned this past Summer in the Caldwell Fire so most of the wilderness (which means most of our favorite caves) were off limits to visitors while they try to figure out a recovery plan. Although most of the monument has the "scorched earth" look, we still love it there and look forward to seeing how, and how fast, Mother Earth will recover in this unique environment. One bright aspects of the fire is the burn exposed three new caves to us that are right along the road that were hidden in the past by overgrown junipers, sagebrush, and rabbit grass.
Moonrise over the wilderness
Dutch oven campsite cornbread