Where the spirit leads the feet will follow.
Down distant paths for unmapped miles.
Heads forget but hearts remember:
The art of living knows no bounds.

"The best journeys answer questions that in the beginning you didn't even think to ask." - Jeff Johnson, 180 Degrees South

"The best way out is always through" - Robert Frost

If you play Free Bird at 11:55:05PM on New Years Eve, you'll go into the new year blasting the best guitar solo of all time

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Fitness Hike - Lake Sonoma

4.67 miles on a loop below the old campground.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Kelly Road Paddle

Back on Lake Sonoma this morning taking advantage of the calm conditions and nice weather.
We paddled out Yorty Creek, crossed the main lake and explored what I call the West Kelly Road arm. From there we paddled down the lake a ways, then retuirning back to Kelly Road East, Yorty Creek, and the take out.

About 9.5 miles total. No hiking on this paddle.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Cherry Creek Paddle & Hike

The early mornings continue to be sunny and warm, so I was back on lake Sonoma for a fun little adventure paddle.
From the Yorty Creek access, I paddled out to the main lake body, then up the Cherry Creek arm. I continued to the mouth of Cherry Creek, landed the kayak, and continued up the creek, using it as a water trail. I got pretty far, turned around and retraced my track back to the put-in. 

About 8.5 miles round trip.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Dry Creek Waterfall Paddle

At Lake Sonoma in Sonoma County, California.
10.5 miles round trip total.


Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Lake Sonoma Hike

Bummer Peak loop from the overflow parking Lot. 4.73 miles round trip.


Monday, June 5, 2023

Roaming The Modoc Plateau

Searching out fish-able lakes on the Modoc Plateau that have recovered after being dry for several years. The past winters heavy rains and snow have refilled most all of these remote lakes, and the California DFW is restocking them with Eagle Lake Rainbows. This is some beautiful land in the Northeastern California high desert.
Surprise Valley

Annie Lake

Fee Reservoir

Big Sage Reservoir

Sandhill Cranes

Old Homestead

The wildflowers were abundant

Reservoir C

Driving alongside Fairchild Swamp. This is a massive wetland.

Duncan Reservoir