Marcie and I hooked up with a small group of paddlers from Kayaker's Alliance for a quick overnight trip at Lake Sonoma.
This group came up from the Bay Area and arrived at the Yorty Creek launch at about 1:00pm Saturday. They paddled directly out and set up a light camp at Thumb Camp, a boat-in campsite up the Cherry Creek arm. Marcie was helping me with a work event in Santa Rosa, so we hustled home when we finished at 3:30 and headed out to the lake.
We arrived at camp around 6:30pm and met and chatted with the group for awhile. Marcie jumped back in her Hobie Mirage to explore the other camp areas up the arm as I set up our tent as the evening light was on the wane. I had actually hauled a good size load of firewood out there earlier in the week in my kayak, so we had a great campfire as we eat dinner and enjoyed a glass of wine, getting to bed around 10:00.
We woke to overcast and a light drizzle Sunday morning with rain starting to come down a few times. Most of us liked the idea of paddling out in the rain, but it never materialized. We paddled back out the Cherry Creek arm, turned northwest, heading up the Dry Creek arm until we decided to turn around and head back. Dave wanted to paddle over and check out Logger's camp, so we swung around the point to get a look. Several of the group used the opportunity to visit the restrooms and get an idea of what the camp looked like for possible future outings.
Dave and Jacob headed back to the launch while the rest of us paddled a little further to look at Homestead Camp. A nice group of sites sitting on the hillside in the shade. Probably one of the best boat in campgrounds on Lake Sonoma for all season camping.
Back at the take out, we loaded up and finished off the weekend with lunch at the Hamburger Ranch.
Looking up Cherry Creek arm from Thumb Camp Sunday morning.

Sam: Your blog is awesome!! That was a great trip. I look forward to paddling with you and Marcie again -- hopefully this spring or summer!