Where the spirit leads the feet will follow.
Down distant paths for unmapped miles.
Heads forget but hearts remember:
The art of living knows no bounds.

"The best journeys answer questions that in the beginning you didn't even think to ask." - Jeff Johnson, 180 Degrees South

"The best way out is always through" - Robert Frost

If you play Free Bird at 11:55:05PM on New Years Eve, you'll go into the new year blasting the best guitar solo of all time

Sunday, November 20, 2011

* Alameda Channel Paddle with Kayaker's Alliance

We put in at The Aquatic Center @ Jack London Square, paddled up to CCK to pick up a few paddlers who were renting, then up the channel to the draw bridge. On the return leg, we paddled in behind the Coast Guard island to have lunch ay LJ Quinn's.

From there, on around the island to the main channel and back to the Aquatic center. probably about a 3 mile paddle in an urban setting.

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