Judge Davis/Redbud Trail link up in the Cache Creek Wilderness Area.
Time: 7:30am
Temp: 17 degrees
Total Hiking Miles: 12.2
Hiking Time: 4.5 hours
Total Outing Miles: 21.6
My plan is to leave my truck at the Redbud Trail Head and ride my bike 9.4 miles up highway 20 the the Judge Davis Trail Head. Stash my bike in the brush, Get out of the cold weather cycling gear, slip into some hiking cloths and boot and take off.
The bike ride up was damn cold. It became a beautiful day for hiking once the sun was up and warmed things up. One very cold wet wade with the other two wades being no big deal. A great hike through Oak and Gray Pine forests and hillsides in the remote Wilson Valley.
Sunrise at the Redbud Trail.
The long pull up Highway 20.

The Judge Davis Trail Head.

Bike stashed and locked in the brush.

The trail heading up Judge Davis Canyon.

Continuous uphill for the first mile.

On the ridge down to Cache Creek.

Rolling ridge trail.

Looking South.

Nearing the end of the Judge Davis Trail.

The first view down into Wilson Valley and Cache Creek.

A campsite on Cache Creek.

Some ice along the shoreline.

The deepest Cache Creek wade. Bald Eagles in this area.

Cold...moving fast!

Bear poop!

The Wilson Valley after the crossing. Look fro more Eagles and Hawks.

Cache Creek running through Wilson Valley.

At the Northern end of Wilson Valley.

Looking back across the second crossing (dry).

Climbing out of Wilson Valley.

Trail near The Peninsula area.

Still chilly in the shady spots.

More of the easy trail in The Peninsula area.

Cache Creek.

Oak forests.

Nearing the Daton Flat crossing.

Rock hop crossing at Daton Flat. About 2 miles from the Redbud Trail Head.

Looking up stream at the crossing.

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