Where the spirit leads the feet will follow.
Down distant paths for unmapped miles.
Heads forget but hearts remember:
The art of living knows no bounds.

"The best journeys answer questions that in the beginning you didn't even think to ask." - Jeff Johnson, 180 Degrees South

"The best way out is always through" - Robert Frost

If you play Free Bird at 11:55:05PM on New Years Eve, you'll go into the new year blasting the best guitar solo of all time

Sunday, December 23, 2018

* Tundra Bunk Build Continued...

The bunk/storage build in our truck continues between heavy rain storms.

The first picture is them sized in and fitted. The second picture is some finish work. Top plates will be fitted today, plus a little more sanding and attaching to truck bed to prevent movement on rough terrain.

I'm not going to try to paint them before our next trip, but everything else should be ready to go in a couple more days.

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