Where the spirit leads the feet will follow.
Down distant paths for unmapped miles.
Heads forget but hearts remember:
The art of living knows no bounds.

"The best journeys answer questions that in the beginning you didn't even think to ask." - Jeff Johnson, 180 Degrees South

"The best way out is always through" - Robert Frost

If you play Free Bird at 11:55:05PM on New Years Eve, you'll go into the new year blasting the best guitar solo of all time

Sunday, September 28, 2014

* Marcie's 15 minute claim to fame!

So...on the Liquid Fusion web-site, Marcie see's a purple ocean kayak for sale. She has to have it! We drive over to check it out. It's one of Liquid Fusion owner Cate Hawthorne's old personal kayaks. A 2000 Valley Avocet RM. It has a few hull scrapes and normal ware and tear (it was one of her main rock gardening boat for several years), but for a kayak that is 14 years old, it was in pretty good shape...and the price was right! We buy it. Sam was pouting because he wasn't getting another kayak, so we also pick up a 10 feet Dagger Torrent white water sit-on-top. 

We get home in the dark, so Marcie cleans the Avocet up this morning. WOW! This thing is actually in great shape! She stripped the LFK stickers off the back and scrubbed it down, and I replaced some of the tie downs and compartment hatch leashes.

This boat has some cool Mojo going from all the great outings from it's past. It might be a couple weeks before we can take her out, but we look forward to taking this old girl out (the kayak...not Marcie) and getting her back on the water, plus, Marcie is stoked to have her (2nd) purple kayak! 

Cate Hawthorne Rock Gardening in her Valley Avocet.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

* Getting Stoked!

...for our upcoming Eastern Sierra Fall Foliage trip.

We will be peak bagging, visiting a ghost town, hot spring soaking, and fall foliage hiking. All with a small group of friends that love the same things we do! The changing foliage is coming together and it will be the most auspicious outing spent in one of California's most beautiful areas.

Lobdell Lake area 9/24/2014. Photo Credit: Chris Long and Pam Hamic

Saturday, September 20, 2014

* Albion River Paddle

A nice paddle on an overcast day. Eight miles round trip with a leg out into open water at the mouth.

Friday, September 19, 2014

* Heritage House @ Little River

We were paddling the Albion River on Saturday morning, so we decided to quickly book a room at the Heritage House in Little River for Friday night and drive over early.

Not far away, relatively inexpensive for what we got, and a very relaxing and enjoyable evening enjoying fine wine and local sparking wine, and overpriced Mendocino County cuisine.

* Schmuckey and I

Marcie and Schmuckey on the Long Ravine flume hike.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

* Long Ravine Canal and Flume Hike

A nice canal/flume hike near the town of Magalia, CA. We will probably go back in October for a fall foliage hike and tie in the Miocene Canal.

This was a 10 mile round trip hike, but with a shuttle would be about 6 miles.