Where the spirit leads the feet will follow.
Down distant paths for unmapped miles.
Heads forget but hearts remember:
The art of living knows no bounds.

"The best journeys answer questions that in the beginning you didn't even think to ask." - Jeff Johnson, 180 Degrees South

"The best way out is always through" - Robert Frost

If you play Free Bird at 11:55:05PM on New Years Eve, you'll go into the new year blasting the best guitar solo of all time

Saturday, November 29, 2014

* Lake Sonoma Hike

A little rain, a little fog, a lot of late season fall foliage. 

Wulfow Cut-off Trail, Cove Trail, 1/2 Canoe Trail. About 4 miles total.

Friday, November 28, 2014

* Crossbow Decommissioned

In an ongoing effort to keep the garbage gym/gear room clutter free, organized, and usable, I decided to decommission the old piece of shit Crossbow Resistance Machine I bought about 10 years ago. At some point they must have been sued for trademark infringement, or something similar, because not long after I got this the name changed. I'm not sure what they are called now, or if they are still being manufactured.

The thing never did work very well and after I learned more about olympic lifts and Crossfit style fitness, I never used it except for the rowing feature. Glad it's gone and there is more room to throw rubber plates and iron (kettle bells)!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

* Thanksgiving Day Fishing

Thanksgiving Day fishing at Lake Sonoma. We didn't locate any fish, but had fun being out with Wyatt on another nice November day.

We motored up the Dry Creek arm looking for trout, but hooked nothing up there either. 

We also took a cruise up the Cherry Creek arm to the boat-in campgrounds to get an idea of how low the water is. Well...it's low! Pretty bad.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

* Cheers!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Lauren and Wyatt
Robbie and Lauren

Monday, November 24, 2014

* 2015 Calendar Images

Here are the images we chose for our 2015 calendar.

January - Patrick's Point State Park
February - Paradise Flume Trails
March - Nampaweap Petroglyphs
April - The Wave
May - Owens RiverBrown Trout
June - Arc Dome Summit
July - "The Beach" - White Mountains Pumice
August - Boundary Peak Summit
September - Canyon Creek Lakes - Trinity Alps Wilderness
October - Eastern Sierra Fall Foliage
November - Drake's Estero
December - Sweetwater Mountains

Sunday, November 23, 2014

* Hands Solo - Russian River Paddle

Marcie was laid up with a sore back, Sam was developing a twitch...so he loaded up the Torret for a quick cold weather run down the Russian River. Cloverdale to Asti - 6 miles.